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Horus CityMapper Featured in the 6 O’Clock News

The combination of the Horus View and Explore B.V. mobile mapping platform and BrainCreators‘ AI technology allows Unihorn to perform road inspections more efficiently and effectively on behalf of the Gemeente Breda.

Yesterday the 6 o’clock news showed how Breda puts automated road inspections into practice. Nice to see that Breda understands the many advantages of AI and sees this as the start in automated mapping cq. asset management.

Earlier today, we kicked off our partnership with NVIDIA by presenting to their sales team in the EMEA region. We discussed how our technology can be used to automate road inspections, perform powerline inspections at highway speeds, and how we disrupt the FTTX construction market. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and we are thrilled to be working with Davide Schiavon and the rest of his team at NVIDIA. Together, we will continue to innovate and create smarter spaces for a better future!